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SubjectRe: no driver change for 2.4?

On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Carsten Paeth wrote:
> I have a 2.3.12 running with the current isdn4linux cvs tree.
> I will get crasy if my work again will not find the way into
> the main stream kernel.
> Why is it a problem to put this stuff into the kernel ?

I don't know why the ISDN people just do not ever GET IT.

I refuse to get huge patches every time two weeks before a feature freeze.
How hard is that to understand?

I will continue to ignore the ISDN CVS tree. If the ISDN people cannot get
their act together and actually start sending their fixes to the standard
kernel in a timely manner, I cannot be bothered with it. This has
continued for something like five years now, and every time I explain it
to people my explanation gets lost or ignored.

> What is the actual way to put changes into the actual kernel
> for isdn4linux ?
> What can I do to fix that problems ?
> Should I sent a patch to 2.3.12 to you or someone else ?

It's not about sending "a patch".

It's about being a responsible programmer, and making sure I get MORE than
just a patch every f*cing time I anounce a code freeze. I should have been
getting patches for the last half year, and I have gotten ZERO. And I'm
irritated at the ISDN peopl, because this is not the first time. In fact,
I have never EVER gotten a single responsible ISDN developer that stands
up and says "ok, I'll be the maintainer of this, and I'll make sure it
gets fed to Linus in a timely manner".

You still wonder why ISDN is not there? Do you still wonder why I'm fed up
with ISDN people who think they they can just force-feed me one huge patch
and completely avoid any QA in the meantime?

WHY, oh why, is the ONLY time I ever hear from ISDN people when I have
publically announced a code-freeze? Explain that,


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