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SubjectRe: no driver change for 2.4? wrote:
>Unfortunately, the phone companies don't allow you to connect to
>the network with uncertified hardware/driver combo's. Opening up
>the ISDN development could bring all sorts of legal trouble with
>it :(

Well, in that case I've got news for them, the current ISDN/hisax code
as found in Alan Cox's proposed-2.2.11pre2 does _not_ pass the TBR3
conformance tests. And that is what most users will try first.

The CVS snapshot at fixes some of those problems, but the
code still won't pass the Layer 3 conformance tests and I have had
problems with the ISDN connection freezing when running the Layer 2
tests (which won't make the tests fail, but it requires manual
intervention to get the tests going).

My posts to the isdn4linux lists and Karsten Keil have not been
answered so far. Which is kind of irritating, since I need that code
working yesterday and would prefer to communicate with the official
maintainers instead of doing a lot of unneccesary or duplicate work.

So it feels as if it is a closed development model and they still
don't get the advantage of passing the certification tests.

I'm afraid I'll just have to do a lot of extra work and keep a
parallel isdn4linux tree and merge it with the isdn4linux tree every
now and then. *sigh*


Christer Weinigel Cendio Systems AB
Email: Teknikringen 8
Phone: +46-13-21 46 00 583 30 Linköping
Fax: +46-13-21 47 00 Sweden
[please note that Signum Support has changed its name to Cendio Systems]

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