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    SubjectRe: ISDN and the feature freeze (was: no driver change for 2.4?)
    On Thu 05 Aug 1999, Linus Torvalds wrote:
    > On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Paul Slootman wrote:
    > >
    > > working. Would you consider me as your sole contact with the ISDN
    > > developers?
    > It needs to be more than one person agreeing, but yes, I'd love to have a
    > contact person. You need to make the other ISDN developers accept you as
    > more than just the person who forwards patches to Linus. The problem is
    > that sometimes I do not like a patch, and then there needs to be some kind
    > of feedback cycle. It doesn't happen all that often when it comes to

    This is being cc'ed into the isdn developers mailing list, so they're
    following this (I hope :-). I've been able to convince them of a
    couple of things in the past, so I think that acting as a two-way
    gateway shouldn't be a problem. In cases anyone needs to contact any
    or all of the developers for any reason, the list will work.

    > In short, the ISDN code in Linux acts as if it was a traditional code
    > project where the users might as well just have binaries.
    > The point of open development is that people see what's going on. You
    > don't get that if people see just the end result after a year. You want to
    > have random people just see small updates - because they will often catch
    > silly mistakes.
    > Now, with huge mega-patches, people just go numb. They say "oh, an ISDN
    > update", and skip it.

    True. Point taken.

    I'll wait until tomorrow or perhaps this weekend (Karsten Keil, the hisax
    man, is on vacation and due back this weekend I understand, and I think
    that as least he should be in on this). At that point I'll contact you
    offlist to work out details.

    Paul Slootman
    debian: isdn4linux:
    work: Murphy Software, Enschede, NL

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