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SubjectRe: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
> Tivo didn't make the Linux success. More Tivos can definitely undo it.

I don't think so.

First, it's not Linux that made success, but rather GNU that uses Linux as
its kernel. And, believe it or not, when people say Linux, they really mean
GNU. People could care less what kernel they were running, as long as the
system is up and runs the procs that offer their services.

It was probably a strategic mistake for GNU to lock into Linux, instead of
developing a system that would allow GNU to plug-and-play the Kernel. A
mistake that could easily be rectified, given enough desire.

Second, GPLv2 was/is probably instrumental to the success of GNU/Linux.
That's because GPLv2 seems to be fair, which allows the largest possible
community to form. Changing this fairness, driven by paranoia arguments, to
hamper commercial entities to enter this community may possibly reduce the
growth of this community.

Interestingly, it's this same paranoia that drives kernel developer to
renounce a "Stable Kernel API" for fear of exploitation by certain
commercial entities. Which makes you kind of wonder, why they wouldn't move
to GPLv3.

Or does paranoia and paradox go hand in hand?



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