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SubjectRe: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
On Wed, 20 Jun 2007, Al Boldi wrote:

> Scott Preece wrote:
>> On 6/19/07, Al Boldi <> wrote:
>>> Nicolas Mailhot wrote:
>>>> Tivo didn't make the Linux success. More Tivos can definitely undo it.
>>> I don't think so.
>>> First, it's not Linux that made success, but rather GNU that uses Linux
>>> as its kernel. And, believe it or not, when people say Linux, they
>>> really mean GNU. People could care less what kernel they were running,
>>> as long as the system is up and runs the procs that offer their
>>> services.
>> ---
>> Actually, for use in devices (like TiVos or cell phones), it is very
>> definitely the kernel that is of interest. Many such devices use
>> little or no GNU software (some manufacturers have consciously avoided
>> it because of the possibility of shifts like the GPLv3 changes).
> Sure, but was it Linux in embedded devices that made Linux what it is today,
> or was it GNU/Linux?

if it was the GNU that made linux what it is today and the linux kernel
mearly an oppurtunist then the GNU/Hurd, GNU/Solaris, GNU/BSD and for that
matter GNU/Microsoft distributions should be steadily and quickly gaining

oh, sorry, people barely know that they exist (including people convinced
that the linux kernel is junk compared to Solaris) and they are little
more than proof-that-it-can-be-done showpieces.

it was the ability of the linux kernel to adapt to vastly different
hardware (including embeded hardware) that made Linux what it is today.

and I do mean 'Linux" not 'GNU/Linux' in the statement above.

David Lang
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