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SubjectACPI Power Button Event problems(?)
I'm having an interesting, and relatively benign problem with ACPI 
events. I downloaded the ACPI daemon from SourceForge and with
2.6.0-test1-mm2 when I pressed the power button, ACPI would be deluded
with PWRF events until I pushed the button again or acpid was
restarted. That's easy enough to work around, but with 2.6.0-test2-mm1
the events never stop. Restarting the daemon makes no difference, nor
does pushing the button have any effect. That wouldn't be too big of a
problem if I was using the power button to restart the PC, but I'm using
the event to kill sawfish since it likes locking up (and disregarding
any keyboard input) leaving me with no recourse but to press the reset
button otherwise. So, it works great for the first lockup, but I can't
reset the power button event so I'm stuck with the reset button on the
second round. Unless I want to reboot, which I'd rather not.

Is this a bug in 2.6.0-test2-mm1 or was the bug the fact it could be
cancelled in 2.6.0-test1-mm2?



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