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SubjectRe: ACPI Power Button Event problems(?)
On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 09:51, Wes Janzen wrote:
> I'm having an interesting, and relatively benign problem with ACPI
> events. I downloaded the ACPI daemon from SourceForge and with
> 2.6.0-test1-mm2 when I pressed the power button, ACPI would be deluded
> with PWRF events until I pushed the button again or acpid was
> restarted. That's easy enough to work around, but with 2.6.0-test2-mm1
> the events never stop. Restarting the daemon makes no difference, nor
> does pushing the button have any effect. That wouldn't be too big of a
> problem if I was using the power button to restart the PC, but I'm using
> the event to kill sawfish since it likes locking up (and disregarding
> any keyboard input) leaving me with no recourse but to press the reset
> button otherwise. So, it works great for the first lockup, but I can't
> reset the power button event so I'm stuck with the reset button on the
> second round. Unless I want to reboot, which I'd rather not.
> Is this a bug in 2.6.0-test2-mm1 or was the bug the fact it could be
> cancelled in 2.6.0-test1-mm2?
> Thanks,
> -Wes-
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I am guessing that it is not a bug in acpid since stop it didn't help.
You could try a
cat /proc/acpi/event
to make sure that you are actually getting these events no stop.
I am guessing that it is a faulty dsdt since you got the same the
behavior on the different kernel.
Can you tell if this also happens with 2.4 kernel?

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