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Subject260test2+O10int breaks : Re: WINE + Galciv + Con Kolivar's 09 patch to 2.6.0-test1-mm2
Update: 260-test2 with O10int has returned wine+galciv to freezing the 
whole computer on starting the game. The intro avi plays less than 1
second and the machine freezes up. I can swtich from virtual terminals
but not enter any input.

Con Kolivas wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Jul 2003 07:49, gaxt wrote:
>>Kudos to CK
> Thanks.
>>In 2.4.21 galciv + wine was fine.
>>In 2.4.21 + CK patches, galvic + wine would pause every 15 seconds or so
>>(maybe it was when little animations played).
>>In 2.6.0-test1-mm2 (vanilla, or + 08) Galciv would stutter horribly and
>>freeze my machine in wine. It might run smoothly until I loaded a
>>nautilus window or something then stutters and loss of control of the
>>With 09, it is smooth as silk until I do something and then the video
>>playbacks can be choppy but the game (turn based strategy) seems to run
>>without the long pauses of 2.4.21 CK or 2.6.0 vanilla. I can switch
>>between apps and go back without any problem.
>>09 seems to be a big improvement for whatever caused the stutter & die
>>problems in wine+galciv.
> Therein lies the problem with large MAX_SLEEP_AVG values. It may prevent
> interactive tasks from becoming non interactive (which is the point), but if
> an interactive task turns into a true cpu hog it can literally stall the
> machine for seconds. Which is why the workaround in O*int that allow small
> MSAs help.
> Con

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