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SubjectRe: WINE + Galciv + Con Kolivar's 09 patch to 2.6.0-test1-mm2
Con Kolivas wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 07:40, gaxt wrote:
>>260-test2-vanilla works fine with a little stutter playing the avis
>>260-test2-O10 causes horrible stutter and loss of input to system
>>260-test2-mm1 causes horrible stutter and loss of input to system
>>NOTE: Instead of re-setting, by switching consoles by pressing Alt F7
>>then Alt-F1 back and forth (ie from X to virtual console) it seems I
>>could prod wine+galciv into edging forward, stalling, edging forward
>>etc. through the opening AVIs. ie. I would hear the sounds of the movie
>>advance each time I switched into Alt-F1.
>>Once into the turn-based game itself (after opening animations) ability
>>to input was restored again and the game can be played and windows moved
>>around etc.
>>So it seems the playing of the little movies is what really locks up the
>>whole system using the O10/mm1 scheduling???
> File I/O ? Try booting with elevator=deadline
> Con

Setting elevator=deadline results in wine+galciv loading without the
horrible long pauses but there is still chugging and while the AVIs
play, the rest of Gnome is unresponsive (ie can't switch windows by
clicking etc) though I can switch to Alt-F1 virtual terminal. Still not
as good as 260-test-2-vanilla

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