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SubjectRe: Never ever use word BitKeeper if Larry does not like you
On 2003-03-14T11:51:32,
Pavel Machek <> said:

> As for it being on your own time, let's see if SuSE wants the negative
> publicity. I'm quite willing to make a stink, you've annoyed me and
> I've put up with as much as I'm going to.

Ok, Larry, you have finally done the coyote stunt. Please report how it really
feels, stepping of the cliff.

So far, I have considered BK a very cool piece of work, and not taken a
political interest in it. But by threatening SuSE developers (for work done on
their own time, and for merely describing something as BK-compatible) by
threatening SuSE with bad publicity, I can't even begin to describe my disgust
for you.

Technically, you are very competent. BK proves that, no doubt. But you should
take a year off and work on your social skills. Because, as it is, you _are_
making a stink.

Lars Marowsky-Brée <>

Principal Squirrel
SuSE Labs - Research & Development, SuSE Linux AG

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