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SubjectRe: Never ever use word BitKeeper if Larry does not like you
On Fri, Mar 14, 2003 at 12:50:55PM +0100, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:
> On 2003-03-14T11:51:32,
> Pavel Machek <> said:
> > As for it being on your own time, let's see if SuSE wants the negative
> > publicity. I'm quite willing to make a stink, you've annoyed me and
> > I've put up with as much as I'm going to.
> Ok, Larry, you have finally done the coyote stunt. Please report how it really
> feels, stepping of the cliff.

It feels just fine, perhaps because I haven't stepped off any cliff.

You might want to stop and consider what SuSE would do if someone decided
they didn't like SuSE and came up with a pathetic shell script and started
describing it as "a system compatible with SuSE". I'm pretty sure that
your lawyers would be all over them in about 30 seconds. Ditto for Red
Hat, Alan. I believe it is your founder who has carefully explained to
all of us the importance of brand. In fact, isn't the point that Red Hat
is nothing *but* brand? So how fast would I get sued if I came out with
"Larry's Red Hat Linux"? Pretty fast, right?

I stand behind my statements. If you don't like them, oh, darn.
Larry McVoy lm at
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