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SubjectRe: Never ever use word BitKeeper if Larry does not like you
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 12:06, Matthias Andree wrote:
> No, he has however a right to protect his trademark, which comprises
> names that are so similar that they can be mistaken for his trademark.
> However, you're not getting anywhere with publishing private mail
> without prior permission. That's betrayal of secrets and privacy, and if
> Larry jumps on you for this, he'll rightfully do so.

When you are dealing with someone apparently being a corporate bully you
have no choice quite often but to publicize stuff. Whether Larry is
actually unreasonable is kind of hard to tell without all the context.

If Larry feels bitbucket is a lot like bitkeeper then I see his point.
If he's moaning about things like "foobar is a tool for reading
BitKeeper repositories" then I guess he forgot to take his pills this
morning 8)

Unfortunately all the current bad feeling and suspicion keeps
magnifying probably minor misunderstandings into large ones

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