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Subjectgcc 2.95 vs 3.21 performance
People keep extolling the virtues of gcc 3.2 to me, which I'm
reluctant to switch to, since it compiles so much slower. But
it supposedly generates better code, so I thought I'd compile
the kernel with both and compare the results. This is gcc 2.95
and 3.2.1 from debian unstable on a 16-way NUMA-Q. The kernbench
tests still use 2.95 for the compile-time stuff.

The results below leaves me distinctly unconvinced by the supposed
merits of modern gcc's. Not really better or worse, within experimental
error. But much slower to compile things with.

Kernbench-2: (make -j N vmlinux, where N = 2 x num_cpus)
Elapsed User System CPU
2.5.59 46.08 563.88 118.38 1480.00
2.5.59-gcc3.2 45.86 563.63 119.58 1489.33

Kernbench-16: (make -j N vmlinux, where N = 16 x num_cpus)
Elapsed User System CPU
2.5.59 47.45 568.02 143.17 1498.17
2.5.59-gcc3.2 47.15 567.41 143.72 1507.50

DISCLAIMER: SPEC(tm) and the benchmark name SDET(tm) are registered
trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. This
benchmarking was performed for research purposes only, and the run results
are non-compliant and not-comparable with any published results.

Results are shown as percentages of the first set displayed

SDET 1 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 0.8%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 95.3% 5.2%

SDET 2 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 0.6%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 91.9% 7.1%

SDET 4 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 5.7%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 98.8% 5.3%

SDET 8 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 1.4%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 105.3% 4.7%

SDET 16 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 1.7%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 103.1% 1.8%

SDET 32 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 1.5%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 101.0% 1.6%

SDET 64 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev
2.5.59 100.0% 0.7%
2.5.59-gcc3.2 103.1% 1.1%

SDET 128 (see disclaimer)
Throughput Std. Dev

NUMA schedbench 4:
AvgUser Elapsed TotalUser TotalSys
2.5.59 0.00 38.88 82.78 0.65
2.5.59-gcc3.2 0.00 41.80 107.76 0.73

NUMA schedbench 8:
AvgUser Elapsed TotalUser TotalSys
2.5.59 0.00 49.30 247.80 1.93
2.5.59-gcc3.2 0.00 38.00 229.83 2.11

NUMA schedbench 16:
AvgUser Elapsed TotalUser TotalSys
2.5.59 0.00 57.37 843.12 3.77
2.5.59-gcc3.2 0.00 57.28 839.21 2.85

NUMA schedbench 32:
AvgUser Elapsed TotalUser TotalSys
2.5.59 0.00 116.99 1805.79 6.05
2.5.59-gcc3.2 0.00 118.44 1788.09 6.25

NUMA schedbench 64:
AvgUser Elapsed TotalUser TotalSys
2.5.59 0.00 235.18 3632.73 15.45
2.5.59-gcc3.2 0.00 234.55 3633.76 15.02


And with the same kernel, comparing the compile times for gcc 2.95 to 3.2

Kernbench-2: (make -j N vmlinux, where N = 2 x num_cpus)
Elapsed User System CPU
gcc2.95 46.08 563.88 118.38 1480.00
gcc3.21 69.93 923.17 114.36 1483.17

Kernbench-16: (make -j N vmlinux, where N = 16 x num_cpus)
Elapsed User System CPU
gcc2.95 47.45 568.02 143.17 1498.17
gcc3.21 71.44 926.45 134.89 1485.33


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