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Subject2.6.0-test11 data loss
Hello, I'm not subscribed to this list. This is not a help request, and 
not really a bug report, I just thought someone should know about this.

I installed the 2.6.0-beta11-mm kernel last week, and the other day my
computer locked up (this is normal on my laptop with every kernel
version I've tried, this isn't the problem I'm posting about). When I
restarted, many, many files that had been open when it locked up were
filled with garbage, or the contents of totally unrelated files. For
example, my syslog contained some KDE header file code, and
/sbin/modprobe contained 82kb of data that seemed like random noise. I
think each file was the same size as it was originally, just with
different data, but I'm not sure.

The corruption happened on two separate partitions on a single IDE
laptop drive, and both were ReiserFS 3.6 partitions. I don't know if
this is a kernel bug or a Reiser bug or something else, but I thought
the kernel developers should know about this, and be on the lookout for
similar things (hopefully with more informative bug reports than mine).
I'm sorry I don't have more information, but if anyone wants to know
more about my system I'd be glad to help.

-Keith Lea
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