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SubjectRe: 2.6.0-test11 data loss
On Wed, 2003-12-24 at 22:59, Keith Lea wrote:
> Hello, I'm not subscribed to this list. This is not a help request, and
> not really a bug report, I just thought someone should know about this.
> I installed the 2.6.0-beta11-mm kernel last week, and the other day my
> computer locked up (this is normal on my laptop with every kernel
> version I've tried, this isn't the problem I'm posting about). When I
> restarted, many, many files that had been open when it locked up were
> filled with garbage, or the contents of totally unrelated files. For
> example, my syslog contained some KDE header file code, and
> /sbin/modprobe contained 82kb of data that seemed like random noise. I
> think each file was the same size as it was originally, just with
> different data, but I'm not sure.
> The corruption happened on two separate partitions on a single IDE
> laptop drive, and both were ReiserFS 3.6 partitions. I don't know if
> this is a kernel bug or a Reiser bug or something else, but I thought
> the kernel developers should know about this, and be on the lookout for
> similar things (hopefully with more informative bug reports than mine).
> I'm sorry I don't have more information, but if anyone wants to know
> more about my system I'd be glad to help.

I know this is not the answer you're looking for but, could you please
test again using 2.6.0 or 2.6.0-mm1? 2.6.0-test11 is a bit ouf of date
now that 2.6.0 has gone gold.

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