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SubjectRe: ReiserFS causing kernel panic?
Hans Reiser wrote:
> reiserfs is not warranted to work on corrupted hdds.....

Is there any kind of error statistics for hard drives?

Geometry is known.
I suspect that structure of damages, caused by contact of plates
surface with head, can be classified.

It may be possible to classify manufacturing glitches. I think HD
producers have this kind of classification/statistics - to improve
quality, keeping price low.

Actually what I'm thinking of: some kind of design rules for file
systems, how to minimize crashing due to hdd glitches.
Let's say, if some of hdd regions are know to be more error prone -
desing fs to use those regions less.
If hdd damages used to have some specific structure - design file
system to keep renundant data in regions which are less likely to be
lost both at the same time. So renundancy would make sense.

Is there any thing like this?

Or file systems now do outlive hard drives?-)

Ihar 'Philips' Filipau / with best regards from Saarbruecken.
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familiar with the notion of on-topic posting?"
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