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SubjectLinux PCMCIA
I noticed on the kernel status doc that a revamp of kernel pcmcia is in 
the works. Can anyone elaborate?

For example, does this mean that 16-bit PCMCIA cards will use hotplug?
Does this mean that 32-bit cards will stop requiring cardmgr to simply
bind devices to drivers (is it too much to ask that the driver know what
it drives :)? The only card of mine (and I have a few 3coms, xircoms,
lucents) that I think works sanely is my xircom 32-bit cardbus card...
it would be nice if they all worked that way. Even though I know that
this will not be possible for the 16-bit pcmcia cards, IMHO atleast all
the hotplug devices should use ONE daemon.

I'm curious and excited by the prospect... if there is anything I can do
to help (even as a newbie I can certainly help change
unregister/register functions or add any device tables, etc), please let
me know.

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