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SubjectRe: Linux PCMCIA
Date said:
> I noticed on the kernel status doc that a revamp of kernel pcmcia is
> in the works. Can anyone elaborate?

The PCMCIA code makes me want to vomit. It wants printing out and ritually
burning, while taking care not to inhale the fumes which might affect your

> For example, does this mean that 16-bit PCMCIA cards will use hotplug?

That is the plan.

> Does this mean that 32-bit cards will stop requiring cardmgr to simply
> bind devices to drivers (is it too much to ask that the driver know
> what it drives :)?

That is also the plan.

Unfortunately the plan is all we have at the moment, other than a few
hundred lines of untested core device/driver registration code and untested
CIS-parsing code. I threw that together hoping it would work like stone
soup -- but it hasn't worked yet, so it's going to have to wait till I have
more time to play.


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