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SubjectRe: how to actually build SGI's xfs?
Jeremy Hansen <> wrote:

> I've actually had great success with most other journal systems available,
> including IBM's and Steven Tweedie's ext3. I'd like to try XFS but I seem
> to be missing something somewhere on how to actually DO THAT. Didn't know
> where else to turn really and figured people on linux-kernel have to be
> playing with it, so...

as keith already mailed - there is a mailinglist at sgi for xfs
(all that you can find behind

ok - and now in short form: to try it is quite simple - just checkout
the cvs tree from - you need to checkout two things:

linux - a complete linux kernel tree (currently up to 2.4.0-test5)
cmd - the userland tools

then just build a kernel from that tree (don't forget to enable xfs
under filesystems) and go to cmd/xfs and do a make and maybe make
install there - reboot the new kernel and use

mkfs_xfs /dev/xxx

to create a filesystem and

mount -t xfs /dev/xxx /somewhere

to mount it

now some words about my impression of it so far: i is quite useable
now (i think it is not ready for production yet - but not that far
away from that) - i am running a squid for about 50 users on a system
with only xfs (except /boot) to test it a bit in a more real situation
and did not have any problems yet - also i am currently trying to
help getting it to work on ppc and alpha (i can at least mount it
now on both machines :-) ... so if you are interested and/or want
to help just go ahead ...


p.s.: one more note - how to checkout the tree is also ducumented
at the above mentioned site ...

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