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SubjectRe: how to actually build SGI's xfs?

I've actually had great success with most other journal systems available,
including IBM's and Steven Tweedie's ext3. I'd like to try XFS but I seem
to be missing something somewhere on how to actually DO THAT. Didn't know
where else to turn really and figured people on linux-kernel have to be
playing with it, so...


> On Sat, Aug 05, 2000 at 01:42:44PM -0400, Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> > How do I actually get xfs to build. I checked the code out of cvs, but it
> > leave me rather confused. There's supposed to be a file in
> > the top level, but that doesn't exist. It looks like it's support to
> Let me know if you figure it out, I would like to build it too. I spent last
> week playing with different file systems. Reiserfs and jfs patch and compile
> w/o too much trouble. Xfs and NWFS seem to be missing good instructions on
> exactly how to patch them into the kernel, so I did not play with them.
> BTW, I was quite impressed with JFS. Its definitly not ready for
> production yet, but its seems slightly faster than reiserfs (for my
> single benchmark, which is to build mozilla on the fs) and its only 2/3
> of the size of reiserfs. If you want more info, take a look at:
> Jim
> -
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