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SubjectStumped - kernel Oops
I've been having random lockups of my system. I usually run in runlevel 5,
and never saw any error message, and found nothing in the logs. The lockups
seem totally random, and lately they have increased in frequency to between
2 and 5 a day. Yesterday I decided to boot into runlevel 3 to see whay may
happen, and it locked up again. But this time I had a `kernel oops' message
all over my screen. I copied it down by hand, rebooted, then searched my
drive for any possible info. I found the oops-tracing.txt among the kernel
sources and ran ./ksymoops < the_oops.txt after finding ksymoops was
already installed. I don't understand much of it, and don't know where to
send it, so here's the output:
ksymoops 0.7c on i686 2.2.14-5.0. Options used
-V (default)
-k /proc/ksyms (default)
-l /proc/modules (default)
-o /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/ (default)
-m /usr/src/linux/ (default)

Warning: You did not tell me where to find symbol information. I will
assume that the log matches the kernel and modules that are running
right now and I'll use the default options above for symbol resolution.
If the current kernel and/or modules do not match the log, you can get
more accurate output by telling me the kernel version and where to find
map, modules, ksyms etc. ksymoops -h explains the options.

Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 40205b24
current->tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
EIP: 0010:[<c01206ac>]
Using defaults from ksymoops -t elf32-i386 -a i386
EFLAGS: 00010046
eax: c0259218 ebx: ffffffff ecx: c0205b20 edx: 40225b20
ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
Stack: c1f4913c 00000000 c0121119 00000001 0004e000 c0118d7e c15a7000 c1f5e0a0
0804e000 c1f6006000002000 c15a7000 00000000 00050000 c1f5f080 00000000
08050000 c1f5f080 c011ac02 c1f60060 0804e000 00002000 c1f60060 00000006
Call trace: [<c0121119>] [<c0118d7e>] [<c011ac02>] [<c0110ddb>] [<c0115688>] [<c0108120>] [<c01ae5d8>]
[<c01aff6e>] [<c010d2a8>] [<c01aff6e>] [<c0107d59>] [<c01207e5>] [<c012caab>] [<c012cdfd>] [<co12d20a>]
Code: 89 42 04 89 01 ff 41 0e 55 9d 5b 5e 5f 5d c3 90 83 ec 04 55

>>EIP; c01206ac <__free_page+e0/f0> <=====
Trace; c0121119 <free_page_and_swap_cache+5d/60>
Trace; c0118d7e <zap_page_range+13e/1bc>
Trace; c011ac02 <exit_mmap+ae/108>
Trace; c0110ddb <mmput+1b/34>
Trace; c0115688 <do_exit+c0/274>
Trace; c0108120 <die_if_no_fixup+0/40>
Trace; c01ae5d8 <stext_lock+11a8/2d58>
Trace; c01aff6e <stext_lock+2b3e/2d58>
Trace; c010d2a8 <do_page_fault+2bc/384>
Trace; c01aff6e <stext_lock+2b3e/2d58>
Trace; c0107d59 <error_code+2d/34>
Trace; c01207e5 <free_pages+129/13c>
Trace; c012caab <free_wait+63/6c>
Trace; c012cdfd <do_select+1fd/214>
Trace; c0107c54 <system_call+34/38>
Code; c01206ac <__free_page+e0/f0>
00000000 <_EIP>:
Code; c01206ac <__free_page+e0/f0> <=====
0: 89 42 04 mov %eax,0x4(%edx) <=====
Code; c01206af <__free_page+e3/f0>
3: 89 01 mov %eax,(%ecx)
Code; c01206b1 <__free_page+e5/f0>
5: ff 41 0e incl 0xe(%ecx)
Code; c01206b4 <__free_page+e8/f0>
8: 55 push %ebp
Code; c01206b5 <__free_page+e9/f0>
9: 9d popf
Code; c01206b6 <__free_page+ea/f0>
a: 5b pop %ebx
Code; c01206b7 <__free_page+eb/f0>
b: 5e pop %esi
Code; c01206b8 <__free_page+ec/f0>
c: 5f pop %edi
Code; c01206b9 <__free_page+ed/f0>
d: 5d pop %ebp
Code; c01206ba <__free_page+ee/f0>
e: c3 ret
Code; c01206bb <__free_page+ef/f0>
f: 90 nop
Code; c01206bc <free_pages+0/13c>
10: 83 ec 04 sub $0x4,%esp
Code; c01206bf <free_pages+3/13c>
13: 55 push %ebp

1 warning issued. Results may not be reliable.

Is there a way to fix this so as to stop the total lockups of the
kernel? I'm starting to get the idea that Windblows NT is more stable than
the Linux kernel, (considering these lockups.)

# uname -a
Linux 2.2.14-5.0 #3 Thu May 25 15:30:32 EDT 2000
i686 unknown

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