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SubjectStrange semi-hang with 2.2.16pre5 SMP

Today, my dual Celeron 466 (not oc'd) hanged strangely:
- the network doesn't work as far as I can tell
- in X, the mouse cursor moves normally
- I can switch between xterms and type stuff
- any fork() seems to hang forever, so I can start any process
- many things seem terribly slow (such as typing stuff to xterm)
- if I move mouse, it seems to speed things up! For example, I have
blinking cursor in gnome-terminal that now blinks _much_ faster (almost
normally) if I move mouse.
- if something beeps (pc honker) the beep never stops
- disk access is very slow or never completes

When the hang took place, the box was completely idle. It had worked
perfectly under varying load for 46 days without reboot.

This has happened before, with different kernels >= 2.2.14. I'm now
running 2.2.16pre5+hedrick ide patch+reiserfs+lm_sensors.

HW: BP6, 2x466Celeron, 256MB, 3 ide harddisks (one on hpt366), 3c905b,
es1370, geforce.

I don't think this is BP6 specific, since I reported this once on
linux-abit mailing lists, and nobody reported having seen this.

Has anybody seen this? Any ideas what could cause this? How could I debug

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