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SubjectRe: Japanese (or other language) postings
> Judging by the current spread of developers, I don't see any hint
> of that ever occuring. I can't pronounce half the peoples names
> on this list, and most of those are foreign. I'm damned glad
> that they are on this list though, and coding for Linux. I'm
> also happy they took the time to learn English.
> Funny thing: People speaking non-english are often hesitant to
> post messages in English, fearing that their English is too bad
> and they will get ridiculed or feel embarassed. I've yet to see
> someone who's English was not understandable though.

I've still yet to see someone ridiculed for bad english. Even someone who
posts in broken english can get the basic message he wants across...Sure,
it may be misunderstood some times, but I have _never_ seen a post like

Learn English, then post your problem again.

This, I am thankful for. I know some programmers in Germany who speak
horrible english, but _always_ write emails to me in English, even though
they know I can speak and read German. The point is that they are trying,
and that's less than these people are doing. I can't count the number of
free translation websites out there...Why not make use of them?

OK, this is waaaaay off topic.

Es tut mir leid das meine Katze dein Dorf aufgegessen hat.

Kelsey Hudson
Software Engineer
Compendium Technologies, Inc (619) 725-0771

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