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SubjectRe: Japanese (or other language) postings
"Andrew van der Stock" <> writes:

> If you can’t read the following, your mailer (MUA) is
> broken.

1) i can *see* it. however i cannot *read* it. perhaps i am not
fluent in baud barf.
2) octal 200-240 are not a valid char codes no matter how you slice it
-- even if you are microsoft. they are, in particular, illegal in

end of story.

> End of story.

> ワタシワAndrewデス。

> With the original poster effectively saying that Linux (and I mean
> the kernel, not just a distro) will not be internationalized due to
> one or two spammers is wrong. International helpers (and generally
> they are volunteers) have posted here before, and we should never
> cut ourselves off from 70% of the world who do not speak English.

> ASCII's time is coming to a close, and confusing two issues (spam vs
> ignoring all .jp/double byte mails) is simply wrong (and skirting
> damn close to racism).

this is skirting damned close to a gratuitous godwin and the topic has
nothing whatsoever to do with racism.

> I'm not going into which MUA is best as I've
> decided what works for me

you might try one which terminates lines after 70 or characters.

> and you'll be a partisan of another
> choice, and there should always be that choice. The real issue is
> that many MUA's are simply and unspeakably difficult wrt HTML (which
> is how double byte people must communicate with any chance of it
> being read somewhere else) and how they handle languages in
> general. Spam is a different issue, and one that must be addressed
> but separately to languages. This is an English language forum, and
> substationally that should not change, but cutting off particular
> language speakers just to avoid spam or faulty or substandard
> mailers smacks of avoiding the real issue.

> What happens if a Hebrew, Hindi or Russian language spammer (or more
> likely, the English-language spammers that I've nearly universally
> had in the 11 years I've had e-mail) mails here on a regular basis?
> The problem of spam is separate to I18N, and should always be
> considered so.

however, afaict *all* of the japanese encoded text has been spam. or
maybe not, since i cannot read it.

> Otherwise, lkml will alienate international
> developers. As Linus speaks Finnish as his first language

afaik linus speaks swedish as his first language.

> (which
> requires different characters than ASCII* supports in any case) I
> shouldn't think this being controversial. Hopefully, the
> mono-linguists amongst us will pipe down and let Linux be truly
> universal.

all we ask is rfc compliance. this may be a bit much to expect from a
microsoft product.

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