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SubjectRe: Japanese (or other language) postings
On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 09:05:00PM +1000, Andrew van der Stock wrote:
> If you can't read the following, your mailer (MUA) is broken. End of story.

I believe others have already addressed the silliness
of arguing against a common language on an international
mailing list, so I will merely point out that, in fact,
your mailer is broken in that it sends long text/plain
lines without the "format=flowed" parameter.

RFC 2646 discusses this problem of "embarrassing line

1. Abstract

Interoperability problems have been observed with
erroneous labelling of paragraph text as Text/Plain,
and with various forms of "embarrassing line wrap." (See
section 3.)

Attempts to deploy new media types, such as
Text/Enriched [RICH] and Text/HTML [HTML] have suffered
from a lack of backwards compatibility and an often
hostile user reaction at the receiving end.

My point is that interoperability and I18N are complex
subjects, and accusing those who desire a monolingual lkml
of "racism" should not be done without more forethought
and attention to the problem than you have apparently put
into it. You are free to start linux-kernel-babel if you
disagree :-).


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