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SubjectProblem with Sockets

Hi all,

I am working on linux 2.2.5
I cannot understand code for the following --

How connection establishment takes place --
Precisely :
1) How a socket that is in TCP_LISTEN state,
handles any incoming requests..

What I could I figure out -
For any incoming packet

tcp_v4_rcv is called and then it calls
tcp_v4_do_rcv which if socket is in TCP_LISTEN state calls
tcp_v4_hnd_req which confusing me -- why ..cuz it
finds possible connection requests by calling

My confusion : Are not the received skb and sk ( received as
parameters) already constitute a request? So why do we search for more?

2) How sockets which listen on standard ports, deal with incoming
connection requests. Precisely what if at all do the new sockets
(which are created as a result of accept)
share with this socket listening on standard port?

What function call sequence is associated with all this?

3) There is a hashtable

This is for all sockets, to keep track of the local port allocations.
#define TCP_BHTABLE_SIZE 512

Can anybody tell me what are these local port allocations?

Can anybody help me out?


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