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SubjectRE: load balencing and masquerading?
Could you do the same thing with modems and PPP?

I'm basically screwed: ISDN is billions of dollars, no DSL or Cable in my
area for at least a year, as far as I know there is no support for Diamond
Supra 112K shit on Linux, so my only hope is to route between 2 or more
dial-up connections in a way that doesn't require support on the ISP side. I
know you can setup a cisco router to route between two other ciscos, each
with a frame connection (I worked someplace where this was done) and they
were able to load balance the two connections, so I would think Linux should
at least be able to do a round-robin sort of routing between two dialups

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Gregory Maxwell
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 4:49 PM
To: Brent Clements
Subject: Re: load balencing and masquerading?

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Brent Clements wrote:

> I was wondering if I could do the following with linux and if
> their was someone doing this currently.

Yes, it's possible, I've done some simmlar things.

I wouldn't suggest you get into it unless you want a weekend computer
science project. :)

You'll need:
* Some understanding of IP networking
* iproute (the ip command)

(more below)
> I want to setup a linux box that has 3 network cards in of
> the network cards would be assigned a private ip address and the other
> two network cards would be assigned a dynamic public ip address by my
> upstream adsl provider. What I want to do is load balance between the
> two adsl this possible? By Load balancing I want to be able
> download items from the internet from a workstation in my private
> network using these two "load balanced" adsl lines.

For outbound direction it's easy.

Compile your kernel with equal cost multipath, and create two default
routes. This should be fine unless your provider uses some sort of
braindead filtering (i.e. no traffic from the wrong IP)

(This might do connection outbound balencing with regular masq, as I seem
to recall it gets the masq address from the route function. I'd have to
read the code to be sure).

For inbound direction, it's A LOT harder.

Many methods:

Type A) Multibox-two-faced-nat

If there will be multiple inside computers, you could use the generic nat
in 2.2 to translate inside boxes A, B, C to address1 and inside boxes
D,E,F to address2.

Pros: Easy to setup.
Cons: Won't do much good in a lot of enviroments.

Type B) Nat to one address, squid to both addresses.

You configure your masq to direct the inside clients to one address.
You configure squid on the box. With multiple default routes, it should
randomly bind to one per each web object. (Again, would have to check
source) If not, you would need to hack squid, or run 3 copies of squid
(one child; two parents one to each address).

There are of course other ways. :)

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