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SubjectHelp offered/tasks wanted - mentor needed

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry if this is off topic, but I could think of no better place to post

My situation (in a nutshell) is this: I would really like to help out with
Linux development, but I'm strongly in need of a helping hand to get started
(and a target to concentrate on).

I have been staring at kernel code on many ocations, trying to figure out
how the whole thing is stitched together, but every time I have failed. So
now I'm looking for areas that need a helping hand and are relatively simple
to get the hang of. There must be some areas of the kernel that are easier
to start with than others, and some of those less dificult areas must be in
need of a helping hand. So if someone would please point me in the direction
of areas needing help, and would be kind enough to give me an introduction
to that area of the kernel then I'd be greatfull.

I know my way around gcc fairly well, but have to this date only done
application level programming (except from a few attempts at grasping some
of the kernel). So I'm in no way presenting myself as a guru - only as a
person who's very willing to learn and help (but needs some help getting

No task is too small (or irrelevant), so just mail me with anything you
think a beginner at kernel hacking could get started with.

Best regards
Jesper Juhl

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