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SubjectRe: Help offered/tasks wanted - mentor needed
> So now I'm looking for areas that need a helping hand and are
> relatively simple to get the hang of. There must be some areas of the
> kernel that are easier to start with than others, and some of those
> less dificult areas must be in need of a helping hand. So if someone
> would please point me in the direction of areas needing help, and
> would be kind enough to give me an introduction to that area of the
> kernel then I'd be greatfull.

Well, I've got the world's simplest kernel port (the user-mode port - see So, if the lower levels of the
kernel interest you, that's all pretty simple process-level code. Fiddling
with that ought to be a relatively gentle introduction to the complexity that
lies above it.

If you're interested, let me know, and I think I'll have no trouble dreaming
up things that need doing :-)


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