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SubjectLinux + ISDN + SLOW speed on BSDI systems
Hey People!

Got some strange problem here:

If I use e.g. kernel 2.2.0 or later or 2.3.0 or later I get a very low
transfer rate when leeching data from BSDI systems. (for example: my uucp
feed is on a BSDI box, I normally would at least get 6 to 7k/sec but with
those kernels I get like 1500cps max.) (and there are loads of 2.1.xx
versions so to compile em all and see where things went 'wrong' would take a
while... ;))

If I during the same connection try another non BSDI site it all works just
fine. So the problem afaik only arises with BSDI boxes.

I mailed my provider about this and they were pretty clueless...1 made a
remark that it could have something to do with the Linux TCP/IP kernel stack
or whatever...(?)

My system:

AMD K6-2 266
Teles 16.3 ISA card, using Hisax drivers.
(Slackware Linux distribution)
isdn4k-utils-3.0beta2 (but I also have this with older versions and also
with a current cvs version from SuSE and also with a complete isdn prepared (?)
kernel from SuSE (as I recall I tried version 2.2.5)).
Euro DSS1 ISDN (Netherlands)

I tried to see what happened with tcpdump...but it gave me lots of "missing
bytes" packages or so ...I merely think this is a tcpdump vs ISDN layer
problem...or something like that.

If anyone has only a tiny clue or a hint in what direction I should look :)
I would really appreciate it ...(I want to use the latter kernels ofcourse
and also LSZ / STAC compression....:\ (Can't get that done with 2.0.37.))

Pretty clueless here...;)


Bas Oude Nijeweme

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