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Subject2.2, es1370, stereo, 8bit
Someone posted about a file that when played through his es1370 would come
out with static. I believe I can make it more clear. (Sorry I forgot who
you were)

I'm trying some samples (the same .wav converted)

1) If the sample being played is 16 bit, this problem does not occur
2) If the sample being played is mono, this problem does not occur
3) Any 8bit stereo sample seems to have static on /dev/dsp with this es1370
card. If I play it on /dev/dsp1 (2nd dsp on this card) it does not
come out with static. /dev/dsp2 doesn't have this problem either (I have
2 sound cards in my machine, dsp2 is that card which is an SB16 ViBRA)

So I see the temporary fix as making sure your sound file is either 16 bit
or mono.

This doesn't effect me much, but it might be nice if someone else could hear
the sound correctly. (Alan, any comments?)

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