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SubjectRe: 2.2, es1370, stereo, 8bit
> > Someone posted about a file that when played through his es1370 would come
> > out with static. I believe I can make it more clear. (Sorry I forgot who
> > you were)
> Just for completeness, which program did you use to play the WAV file?

bplay. I used sox to convert the .wav file to other sample types.

> I could reproduce your problem with sox.
> The problem is however that I have no clue why this happens.
> The driver seems to set the serial control word of the chip
> correctly (that's where the sample format is specified),
> also there is no special case code for 8bit stereo in the
> driver.

I have no clue why either. I remember someone sending a .wav file to me
that he said causes a problem with this card. The 2nd dsp plays it w/o
problems, but the first has static. I guess you've played with this. I
thought it was odd that it only happened on 8bit stereo samples. I don't do
windoze so I can't try the sound under winblows.

> There are two fields in the serial control word
> called P2_ST_INC and P2_END_INC which I never understood
> and quite possibly not setting correctly. I played with these,
> but that didn't seem to make any difference. So I'm
> out of ideas.

P.S. I got bored the other day and decided to play around with this
problem. This is how I found out it was 8bit stereo samples that caused the
problem (and most everything I play is 16bit or 8bit mono) and thought I'd
post my results to the list.

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