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Subjectcdrom changer support for scsi [patch]
Having recently bought a CD writer I started using the scsi-emulation
driver, but then lost support for my CD-changer since the scsi driver
doesn't have changer support.

So, I decided to implement it based on the ide code.

The patch is against 2.3.13, and has been tested both as modules
(sg.o sr_mod.o cdrom.o ide-scsi.o) and built-in to the kernel.

It seems to work fine when used through scsi-emulation on my IDE
cdroms, but I have no SCSI equipment to test it on.

If anyone could test this patch with a SCSI changer that would be great.
If anyone could test it with any SCSI cdrom (to make sure it hasn't
broken anything!) I would appreciate it. If anyone is willing to test
it and wants say a 2.2 version please let me know.

A small readme and any newer version will appear in

(What do I do next after any feedback is incorporated? Mail it to the
SCSI maintainer?)

Finally (sorry for the long post!), I have a related question.
Is there a problem with having large local variables in a kernel
function? In a few places I have a local (stack based) buffer of 248
bytes. I see in some places in sr.c `scsi_malloc' is used even
though the buffer is freed in the same routine. I would have thought
this adds unnecessary overhead, but am wondering if there is some
limit to the stack usage in the kernel.

Here is the gzipped patch mime encoded as requested on the faq.

[unhandled content-type:application/octet-stream]
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