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SubjectRe: cdrom changer support for scsi [patch]
On Mon, Aug 23 1999, Richard Sharman wrote:
> Having recently bought a CD writer I started using the scsi-emulation
> driver, but then lost support for my CD-changer since the scsi driver
> doesn't have changer support.
> So, I decided to implement it based on the ide code.
> The patch is against 2.3.13, and has been tested both as modules
> (sg.o sr_mod.o cdrom.o ide-scsi.o) and built-in to the kernel.
> It seems to work fine when used through scsi-emulation on my IDE
> cdroms, but I have no SCSI equipment to test it on.
> If anyone could test this patch with a SCSI changer that would be great.
> If anyone could test it with any SCSI cdrom (to make sure it hasn't
> broken anything!) I would appreciate it. If anyone is willing to test
> it and wants say a 2.2 version please let me know.
> A small readme and any newer version will appear in
> (What do I do next after any feedback is incorporated? Mail it to the
> SCSI maintainer?)

The patch looks fine in itself, but it adds a lot of duplication
of code which is always a bad thing. I've done some work recently
to eliminate ATAPI/SCSI redundancy and put most of this in the
Uniform layer. I don't see why changers couldn't be handled
like that, too.

With regards to the cdrom.[ch] parts of the patch - they look
fine, I've put them in my tree here.

> Finally (sorry for the long post!), I have a related question.
> Is there a problem with having large local variables in a kernel
> function? In a few places I have a local (stack based) buffer of 248
> bytes. I see in some places in sr.c `scsi_malloc' is used even
> though the buffer is freed in the same routine. I would have thought
> this adds unnecessary overhead, but am wondering if there is some
> limit to the stack usage in the kernel.

There is a limit of about 8KB-some available kernel stack. I've
recently taken out some of the mallocs in sr*.c which spinlocked
and malloced for as little as 32 bytes which is just silly. If
you came across similar places I'd like to know (it is very
possible that I didn't get them all, I just fixed the ones
I bumped into).

* Jens Axboe <>
* Linux CD-ROM Maintainer

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