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SubjectWhy doesn't the sync mount option REALLY work on floppies??
All is in the question. After looking at the sync(2) manpage:

sync first commits inodes to buffers, and then buffers to

it just looks that the sync option does the first step but not the second
(because filesystem panics when I remove a rw,sync mounted floppy).

I'm writing a program to manage removable peripherals on a machine, and I want
them to be as easy to manipulate as they are under Windows (don't yell). CDROM
is no big deal but I'd expect the sync mount option to work!

Right now the only way I found is to call sync() at regular time intervals, but
it's ugly and slows down the system when there's intensive I/O going on. The
FDFLUSH ioctl makes VFS barf about "busy inodes on changed media" and doesn't
solve the problem either...

At first I wanted to port supermount to 2.2, but lacked time (and moreover the
VFS layer is gonna change - again - in 2.4.x), whereas my program works now -
except for this. I'm about to add support for IDE ZIP drives too but I expect
the same trouble to occur.

So, is there a solution to sync() only one device?


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