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SubjectRe: Why doesn't the sync mount option REALLY work on floppies??
> All is in the question. After looking at the sync(2) manpage:
> sync first commits inodes to buffers, and then buffers to
> disk.
> it just looks that the sync option does the first step but not the second
> (because filesystem panics when I remove a rw,sync mounted floppy).
> I'm writing a program to manage removable peripherals on a machine, and I want
> them to be as easy to manipulate as they are under Windows (don't yell). CDROM
> is no big deal but I'd expect the sync mount option to work!
The problem is, that mount option "sync" actually works only under ext2 (at least
this is my opinion after a few greps of linux/fs :).

> So, is there a solution to sync() only one device?
You can do it by ioctl - BLKFLSBUF - on that device (it should work at least for
floppies - see linux/drivers/block/floppy.c).


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