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SubjectHelp figuring out NFS patches

Brother, can you spare a clue?

I'm getting the message someone else posted earlier, with no resolution,
that "kernel: nfsd Security: /// bad export." It's very bizarre--it only
seemed to begin today, and the system has been up and running for a week
or more. (There was also a power blip, which caused a crash, so I suppose
it could be fs corruption.)

So my first thought was to upgrade to knfsd 1.4.6, since it just came out.
(The system is a RH6.0 with the default 1.2.2 knfsd, and a kernel upgraded
to 2.2.10). Well, I tried, but I had a terrible time understanding the
message H.J. Lu sent explaining which patches are required, and was hoping
someone could provide clear instructions.

So here I am:

Stock 2.2.10 kernel
knfsd-1.4.6 binary RPM from H.J. Lu


Can someone hit me with a clue bat about exactly which of these patches I
should apply?

Also, I need to serve both Linux and Solaris 7 (and maybe soon AIX)
clients--will I need to upgrade the (Linux) clients in any way? (I
already figured out I would have to specify v2 and UDP.) Does it make a
difference (in terms of how stable this will be) if I select "Emulate SUN
NFS server"?

Please include me in CC: as I'm not subscribed to the list.

W. Reilly Cooley
Naked Ape Consulting

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