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SubjectRe: OOM
On Fri, 16 Jul 1999, Claus Fischer wrote:

> Inheriting points from the parent process doesn't really work very well.
> You could make an extremely small program, exec() it (which would
> presumably zero the score, or would you want to keep the score
> >from the large shell?),

Yes, since even a large shell should - when running for some time - have a
low score. And after all, if you *use* a large shell (emacs? ;-), it's
entirely your fault that the memory is so tight :-).

> Evanescating scores by a certain factor per second just means that a
> malicious hog has to be careful to wait for a certain time before
> starting.

Hm, one point is: if a hog allocates memory slowly, you have time to
react. After all, there are a lot of non-malicious programs that allocate
memory slowly over time, and you are really pissed if they get killed.

> Also it's not good if two processes allocate the same amount of memory
> shortly after one another, but only the second gets malus points since
> swapping only started when the second one allocated.

This is just a sort of conservative capitalistic/aristocratic algorithm.
If all cheap resources are occupied, allocating new resources becomes more
expensive. The idea is to keep the setting in a sane state by killing
newcomers. People don't want to get their two-week simulation killed,
therefore Rik's algorithm takes total cpu usage (processes with more
computing power invested are worth more) and runtime into account.

I think Rik's algorithm is good enough and has the enormous advantage of
being cost-free in normal operation (*and* it has been tested). I'll take
his weighting algorithm (size/(sqrt(cpu_time)*sqrt(sqrt(run_time)))), but
add my warning shot, and convert it to a more recent kernel (2.3.10). Too
bad that we don't have a free signal for SIGMEM at hand ;-).

Bernd Paysan
"If you want it done right, you have to do it yourself"

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