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SubjectRe: [Call For Wartectomy] CRLF conversion out of kernel
In article <>,
Stefan Monnier <monnier+lists/linux/kernel/news/> wrote:
>>>>>> "david" == david parsons <o.r.c@p.e.l.l.p.o.r.t.l.a.n.d.o.r.u.s> writes:
>> Taking it out may kill backwards compatability.
>Noone cares.

Noone _on the linux kernel mailing list_ cares, you mean.

And guess what? That's not true; two people have already popped
up and complained about it.

Sure, you can do things the MS-Windows way and arbitrarily break
compatability from one version of Linux to the next (certainly this
would be nothing new -- software engineering died of a buzzword
overdose early in the 1990s -- but it would be nice to be able to
recommend Linux in terms more glowing than "well, it's Unix, I

So CR/LF is a horrible hack that should never have been done in
the first place. Good, it's a better lesson to kernel developers
that when you design a published interface you need to do it well
or else it will haunt you forever.

david parsons \bi/ And if I have to spend 3 months revalidating a system
\/ every six months, the mythical TCO is gonna start
looking really crappy.

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