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SubjectLSF and SOCK_RAW (newby)

I have dome questions on packet socket and LSF. I tried searching on the
Linux-Kernel Archive but I have not been able to find a definitive answer.

I want to be able to read/write raw data link layer frames from/to the
network. packet socket (PF_PACKET) with SOCK_RAW looks like the way to go.
Now I am not sure whether there is kernel level buffering in this. That
is, whether the application has to do a read every time a frame/packet
arrives on that socket. (This was the case with the earlier SOCK_PACKET).

Now, BPF supports kernel level buffering in addition to filtering. I
assume the same is the case with the LSF (Linux Socket Filter), since LSF
is derived from BPF. So I guess I should use LSF in conjuction with packet

Is the above assumption/argument valid? Am I wrong somewhere? Can I
open a Since I am new to all this, I am not sure. I would really
appreciate if somebody can guide me.

Thank you.

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