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Subjectversion.h in 2.2.10
I had to download a fresh tarball of the kernel (all those extraneous
patches, I finally lost track), and I proceeded to compile, etc.
Everything worked fine, runs great, BUT

I was compiling samba 2.0.4, and it complained that there was no
version.h. The baffled me, since it's always been there. Upon
re-untarring the tarball, to be safe, I noted that there indeed was not
a version.h:
root:reliant linux$ find ./ -name "*version*"

Now, I don't really mind the loss, but it's irritating when I start
compiling linux applications which rely on linux includes which the
linux kernel package maintainers either forgot to include, or the linux
kernel coders forgot to mention to *anybody* that they were changing the
foundation upon which many programs are based.

Is there a logical reason for the omission, and are there any other
omissions which should be mentioned to the general public? I know the
version.h omission was not mentioned in the Documentation, and I'm sure
it will come as a surprise to all those compiling applications which
just happen to need it for whatever reason.

What's even more puzzling, is that everyone I've talked to, who
downloaded the tarball, are in the same boat. But the people who got
the patch, have the correct version (2.2.10) in version.h. Maybe the
tarballs aren't as complete as the patched versions? This is somewhat

root:reliant Documentation$ rgrep -rn "version.h" *
sound/ChangeLog.awe:83: - Fix version number in awe_version.h
sound/README.OSS:336:more than an year ago. The PnP version has the same
name but with "PnP"

Are there any other ommisions we need to watch out for, and copy from
someone who has a patched tree?

Matthew Vanecek
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