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SubjectCan't load Linux on boot
I have Slackware 96 (3.1) off the CD in the books they have at Barnes & Noble. 
(Hey, everyone's got to start somewhere, right?) I haven't upgraded at all
yet, because I've been trying to get my Linux partition to boot first.

I have a Pentium Celeron 333A (overclocked to 400) with IDE hdd and 40x CD.
I have Linux on hda1 (1 gig partition), and Win98 on hda2 (1 gig partition),
with a 2 gig fat16 partition on hda3 with data for Linux and windows.

The only reason I'm still running Windows at all is because when I installed
Linux, my computer told me there was no operating system.

LILO is on my MBR, and on top of that, the Linux partition is the ONLY active
partition - yet when I boot, I don't get so much as 'L', and I get "Starting
Windows 98" instead! If I put a LILO boot disk into the floppy drive, I can
mount hda1 as root, but it doesn't seem to recognize the first partition as
being active normally, nor does it run LILO from the MBR. I can't figure out
why, especially since I installed Linux before Windows (the main reason I
installed windows at all is because it was getting frustrating not being able
to boot off the hard drive).

The only thing I can think of is that it could be because my BIOS is Plug &
Pray. It's a stretch, but...

If anyone knows what's going on, please tell me.

Thanks in advance,

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