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SubjectRe: Can't load Linux on boot
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Bob Cthulhu wrote:

| LILO is on my MBR, and on top of that, the Linux partition is the ONLY active
| partition - yet when I boot, I don't get so much as 'L', and I get "Starting
| Windows 98" instead! If I put a LILO boot disk into the floppy drive, I can
| mount hda1 as root, but it doesn't seem to recognize the first partition as
| being active normally, nor does it run LILO from the MBR. I can't figure out
| why, especially since I installed Linux before Windows (the main reason I
| installed windows at all is because it was getting frustrating not being able
| to boot off the hard drive).
| The only thing I can think of is that it could be because my BIOS is Plug &
| Pray. It's a stretch, but...
| If anyone knows what's going on, please tell me.

Sounds to me like you just need to LILO again. You said you installed
Windows after Linux, which means Windows installed its own bootstrap on the
MBR most likely. Just boot into Linux and rerun /sbin/lilo (and make sure
you have something in your /etc/lilo.conf that'll let you run Windows --
otherwise you'll have to reinstall Windows most likely). Reboot and all
should be well. If that doesn't work, fdisk /dev/hda and make /dev/hda1
bootable (and only that bootable) and try installing LILO on /dev/hda1
instead of /dev/hda, although I can't think of any reason why this would be

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