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SubjectQuestion about a motherboard

I just came across a motherboard from SuperMicro (Super P6DGH, at, and was
wondering how operational such a beast would be under Linux. It's a dual
Xeon board, AGP, I2O.

Here's the main feature rundown, and my current level of knowledge about

- "I2O" (on-board i960, with it's own bank of 64M): does the work that
Alan Cox is doing in the -ac series cover this? Is it functional? Will
the system even function without that kind of support?

- 9 PCI slots (5 primary, 4 secondary): Will Linux cope with this (I
don't see why not, but can't hurt to ask)?

- AIC-7896: no problems except for Murphy's Law, far as I know.

- ARO 1130-CA2 RAIDPort III: I know that the adaptec SCSI driver won't
deal with this at all; are there any projects in the pipe to support
this controller?

- IR port: I found the drivers/net/irda stuff, and the IrDA project at . Looks basically usable...anyone have
comments? (I don't have any more technical information on the specifics
of the IR hardware, unfortunately.)

- USB: found , looks like it
basically works, but all references seem to be to PPC...anyone using
this on x86?

- Voltage monitors for CPU, fan status monitors, temperature control,
overheat alarm, chassis intrusion detection: how accessable would this
stuff be (I'm especially liking the chassis intrusion detection ;-)?
I'm assuming most of this, if supported, would appear via /proc?

Just trying to get a feel for how usable this board would be right now,
for someone not afraid to burn themselves a bit with alpha-release
patches. So far, my impression is that it's a tres cool board. ;-)

(I'll happily take pointers to similar-calibre x86 boards too.)

Edward S. Marshall <> [ What goes up, must come down. ] [ Ask any system administrator. ]

Linux labyrinth 2.2.3-ac2 #2 Thu Mar 18 19:48:40 CST 1999 i586 unknown
10:30pm up 1:51, 5 users, load average: 0.01, 0.11, 0.25

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