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SubjectRe: Question about a motherboard
> - "I2O" (on-board i960, with it's own bank of 64M): does the work that
> Alan Cox is doing in the -ac series cover this? Is it functional? Will
> the system even function without that kind of support?

There are two ways I2O gets used - the first is to drive motherboard devices
the second is for card private stuff - like raid controllers. So it should
work fine without that support - check with them. The idea is you would
have the I2O controller driving the ARO 1130.

> - ARO 1130-CA2 RAIDPort III: I know that the adaptec SCSI driver won't
> deal with this at all; are there any projects in the pipe to support
> this controller?

Not that I know of but if there is an I2O device driver module for it then
you might be in luck 8)

> - USB: found , looks like it
> basically works, but all references seem to be to PPC...anyone using
> this on x86?

USB is far from finished but the USB people had a (small number of) clues.
There are only two standard interfaces for USB chips on a PC

> - Voltage monitors for CPU, fan status monitors, temperature control,
> overheat alarm, chassis intrusion detection: how accessable would this
> stuff be (I'm especially liking the chassis intrusion detection ;-)?
> I'm assuming most of this, if supported, would appear via /proc?

The lm78 driver can probably handle this


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