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SubjectFAT32: Invalid FSINFO signature on mount?

I am trying to get some help I am having using my hard disk under linux, and I think
it is in a part of the system that you maintain. The problem is mounting my FAT32
hard disk under linux. This disk is also my Windows 95 boot disk. The error I get

fat_read_super: Did not find valid FSINFO signature, found 0x534f4453 offset = 0x1e0

The result is a mounted volume that can be read ok but appears full (which it isn't)
files are created empty sometimes, and df reports the space used equal to space existing.

I discovered it using the ZipSlack distribution which runs on a UMSDOS directory
on my Windows 95 C: boot disk.

I have repeated the problem using a the tomsrtbt floppy distribution of linux and
mounting the volume as an msdos partition by typing as root:

mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt

Both use systems use kernel 2.0.36

I have looked in the newsgroups, and found that a number of other people have the
same problem, but there are no answers to be found!

I have tried to understand the source in Kernel 2.2, I have found where the error
message is generated linux/fs/fat/misc.c but there is no maintainer listed for this
code or for the msdos file system code.

However, knowing that amagic number on my hard drive is different from what someone
thought it should be in 1993 hasn't helped much here! I have also checked the disk
with Windows Scandisk which reported no errors.

Please can someone mail me with the correct maintainer to ask this question to directly,
if you cannot assist me in resolving it.

Many thanks for your assistance.


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