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SubjectCyrix MediaGXm & Audio Problems
I'm having a problem with recording audio with my MediaGXm 233,
I am using the sb module with kernel 2.2.3

alias sound sb
options -k sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=0 dma16=5

When I try to record a sound, my computer just freezes totally, here's a
example command:

dd bs=8k count=4 </dev/audio >

I found that command in the the ESound TIPS file
it's that easy to record sound to a file? its that easy to
freeze the computer..

I can't get the midi or the joystick to work either.
if I try to insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=0 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
Mar 15 11:44:27 neuron kernel: Too much work in interrupt on uart401
(0x330). UART jabbering ??
Mar 15 11:44:27 neuron kernel: uart401: bad devc

I'm sure those are the correct parameters,

I know that the MediaGXm is a lame computer anyway & if I had an extra
isa slot then I'd just install a real sound card.

why was support for the MediaGX TSC removed from the kernel? I know it
has a TSC, maybe its buggy (probably, knowing how cyrix is.).
would it perform better using the TSC?
I used to be able to compile the kernel for a pentiumpro and run it on
my MediaGXm, in fact I try to compile everything for the pentiumpro
because it sports a nice performance inprovement.
I use pgcc.


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