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SubjectRe: Interrupts not being raised.
From said:
> I have been able to confirm that our PCI card thinks that it is
> raising an interrupt, but the interrupt routine never gets called. In
> addition, checking /proc/interrupts shows

I have a similar situation. We don't build the card, but we are reliably
informed that the card shouldn't need any strange magic to persuade it to
generate interrupts. I didn't believe them until I saw your message, and now
I'm not so sure.

If I initialise the card under NT and soft-reboot into Linux, then I get
interrupts from it. Otherwise I have to make it share interrupts with
the network card, and flood ping something to get my drivers to work :)

Adding an 'enable_irq(irq)' after registering the IRQ provokes the kernel into
saying "enable_irq() unbalanced from 00000009", but doesn't actually make it

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