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SubjectRe: Announce: DinX windowing system 0.2.0
On Fri, 24 Dec 1999, Khimenko Victor wrote:

>>> category: console/graphics
>>> brief: Windowing system, uses Linux framebuffer.
>>> license: MPL with GPL option
>> That way you are not allowed to link is statically into kernel...
>Hmm. Why not ? Since GPL option is there you can link it even without usage
>of "GPL hole".

Because the MPL licence is useless in the context of the
software. The software is code that sits with the kernel. The
only code that may be compiled into the kernel is code that is
GPL'd or under a GPL compatible licence (which MPL is not).
Thus, licencing under MPL makes the code useless, or it voids the
MPL licence. If the only way to use the code is to use the GPL
licence, then GPL wins.

So to simplify things, just say what it really is:

GPL licenced. Then say that others may obtain or use the code
under MPL licence as well. If using the MPL licence however,
they will not be able to link with the Linux kernel.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
Computer Consultant GNU advocate
Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate

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