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SubjectRe: Announce: DinX windowing system 0.2.0
> The intention of using the MPL with GPL option is that anyone making a
> Linux kernel distribution can take whatever files they need from DinX,
> replace the MPL notice with the GPL notice, and put them in the
> distribution, perhaps to be statically linked. This is my understanding


> If folks on the linux-kernel list are of the general opinion that I'm
> completely wrong and that the MPL/GPL would prohibit the DinX kernel
> modules from ever becoming part of a statically linked kernel

It seems completely sane to me. The only advice I would give is to ask
people to always provide their modifications clearly under the dual license
to avoid any questions/mess.

Using the MPL makes it easier for people to use the driver in non Linux OS's,
and if thats what you want and intend its very cool.


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